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Las mejores frases de Recuerda aquella vez (18)

Annie_hatuna 28 November 2017
Yo no tengo nada que olvidar, y si lo tuviera no me apuntaría…Todas las personas que conoces desempeñan un papel en tu vida, incluso un padre que te miente o se olvida de ti. El tiempo al final se encarga de borrar el dolor, de forma que tampoco pasa nada
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Erickramoss 06 April 2022
No fuimos nosotros quien perdimos a ese hombre, sino que fue él mismo quien se apartó de nosotros
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NishioSempai 21 June 2020
Estoy seguro de que esta espera frustrante tan solo servirá para que las semanas me parezcan meses, los meses, décadas y las décadas sean como el anuncio del final de mis días. Si al llegar a ese punto no he alcanzado la felicidad, entonces habré vivido una vida sin risas y sin alegría, y eso ni es vida ni es nada.
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cuentapaginas 21 January 2020
La felicidad no tendría que resultar tan difícil.
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librosconte 04 February 2019
While we can’t always engineer our own happy endings, we can learn how to be more happy than not with the cards we’ve been dealt.
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librosconte 04 February 2019
It’s okay how some stories leave off without an ending. Life doesn’t always deliver the one you would expect.
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librosconte 04 February 2019
I would do my damn best to be more happy than not.
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librosconte 04 February 2019
I’m more happy than not.

Don’t forget me.
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librosconte 04 February 2019
From the shapes cast by the green paper lantern, you would never know that there were two boys sitting closely to one another trying to find themselves. You would only see shadows hugging, indiscriminate.
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librosconte 04 February 2019
I've become this happiness scavenger who picks away at the ugliness of the world, because if there's happiness tucked away in my tragedies, I'll find it no matter what. If the blind can find joy in music, and the deaf can discover it with colors, I will do my best to always find the sun in the darkness because my life isn't one sad ending—it's a series of endless happy beginnings.
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