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Editorial: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (30/11/-1)

Calificación promedio : 4.5/5 (sobre 1 calificaciones)
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Críticas, Reseñas y Opiniones (1) Añadir una crítica
 21 June 2018
Con este libro me sentí acompañada.

Seth Santoro tiene un estilo honesto y directo, y pone en tus manos la solución a cualquier evento que haya hecho caer tu ánimo.

Y el muchacho no habla sin soporte: él mismo ha cruzado por momentos complicados en su vida.

Gracias Seth.
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Citas y frases (2) Añadir cita
CalypsoCalypso21 June 2018
Terrible and unfortunate things happen all of the time, to us all. At their core, they are emotionally charged “events” that, with our conditioning, practice, and awareness, we can empower ourselves to deal with head on, in a healthy, productive, and efficient manner.
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CalypsoCalypso21 June 2018
The lines are always blending between the steps of healing. One is inevitably bound to another, which is bound to another, and so on and so forth. This process is messy by natural design.
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