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ISBN : 0375701176
209 páginas
Editorial: Vintage Books (29/06/1999)
One of the most celebrated novels of its time, the Pulitzer Prize winner A Summons to Memphis introduces the Carver family, natives of Nashville, residents, with the exception of Phillip, of Memphis, Tennessee.

During the twilight of a Sunday afternoon in March, New York book editor Phillip Carver receives an urgent phone call from each of his older, unmarried sisters. They plead with Phillip to help avert their widower father's impending remarriage t... >Voir plus
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¿Cuánto sabes de la novela «El nombre de la rosa» de Umberto Eco?

¿Para qué viajan Fray Guillermo y Adso a la abadía benedictina?

Para investigar en su biblioteca secreta
Para debatir con enviados papales si una rama franciscana es herética
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Para resolver el misterio de las muertes de varios hermanos

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