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ISBN : 1732624704
328 páginas
Editorial: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (07/10/2018)
Célian Laurent.
Manhattan royalty.
Notorious playboy.
Heir to a media empire.
...And my new boss.

I could have impressed him, if not for last month's unforgettable one-night stand.
I left it with more than orgasms and a pleasant memory--namely, his wallet.
Now he's staring me down like I'm the dirt under his Italian loafers, and I'm supposed to take it.
But the thing about being Judith "Jude" Humphry is... >Voir plus
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Test Ver más

¿Cuánto sabes de la novela Moby Dick, de Herman Melville?

¿Cómo se llama el barco ballenero en el que se narra la travesía?

La niña
El Bocadito
La Diablesa

10 preguntas
59 lectores participarón
Thème : Moby Dick de Herman MelvilleCrear un test sobre este libro