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Editorial: Autoeditado (15/04/2020)
How can my enemy want me when no one else ever has?

Oil and water. Shifters and mages. There are certain things that just don’t mix. But I’m in Porter’s Peak for a reason, and I’m not about to let a pack of wolves drive me away. And I’m certainly not going to fall into bed with the alpha … not even if he says we’re fated mates.
But evil magic is swirling around town, and the only way to keep my new home safe is to team up with the alluring olde... >Voir plus
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Los monstruos de la saga Harry Potter

¿Qué criaturas mágicas podemos encontrar en Gringotts, el banco de magos?


15 preguntas
324 lectores participarón
Thèmes : monstruos , criaturas , fantasía , magiaCrear un test sobre este libro