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Editorial: Autoeditado (01/01/2021)
Spending several days cooped up in a snowy mountain town with my best friend's dad. What could possible go wrong?

Spending the holiday with my best friend and her dad was supposed to be my much-needed break from the city. We were going to go to something called the Caravan theatre, have a bonfire in the snow, and drink copious amounts of hot chocolate while watching Christmas movies. All our plans crumbled when I landed in Kelowna and she dropped the ... >Voir plus
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¿Sabes de literatura española?

¿Cuál fue la primera obra escrita en verso en lengua castellana?

Las Siete Partidas
Los milagros de Nuestra señora
El cantar del Mio Cid
La epopeya de Gilgamesh

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7 lectores participarón
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