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63 páginas
Editorial: Autoeditado (21/10/2019)
I've got it bad for my best friend, but he's only had eyes for my sister since we were kids. I don't know what I'll do if they hook up--especially after a drunken kiss West doesn't seem to remember. Seeing them together just might kill me, but being the good friend I am, I offer to help him however I can. FML.

Ever since a drunken kiss we haven't talked about, I've been seeing Adam in a new light. Trouble is, he thinks I want h... >Voir plus
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¿Sabes de literatura española?

¿Cuál fue la primera obra escrita en verso en lengua castellana?

Las Siete Partidas
Los milagros de Nuestra señora
El cantar del Mio Cid
La epopeya de Gilgamesh

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7 lectores participarón
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