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Editorial: Autoeditado (19/01/2021)
"Do you want to help me put the ho in holiday?"

That’s the line a drunken Jacob Shaw utters to the hottest Santa he’s ever seen. It’s also the only thing he remembers of the night that led to him waking up half naked in a revealing elf costume next to an equally half-naked Santa.

Killian Connolly is a loner. Even with his tight-knit work family, he tends to stick to the fringe of the group. So, when he wakes up next to a tiny, furious h... >Voir plus
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Test Ver más

¿Qué tanto conoces Buscando a Alaska?

¿Por que decidió irse al internado Miles?

Porque ahí estudio su padre
Para buscar un Gran Quizá
Porque estaba aburrido de su escuela
Para conseguir amigos

10 preguntas
39 lectores participarón
Thème : Buscando a Alaska de John GreenCrear un test sobre este libro