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ISBN : 0156376091
640 páginas
Editorial: Harper Paperbacks (07/10/1964)
Guard of Honor is a neglected masterpiece that stands comparison with the greatest novels of the Second World War--essayist Noel Perrin deemed it "probably the best war novel of the twentieth century."

James Gould Cozzens's Guard of Honor won the Pulitzer Prize in 1949. The novel balances a vast cast of intricately enmeshed characters as they react over the course of three tense days in September 1943 to a racial incident on a U.S. Army airbase in Flo... >Voir plus
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¿Cuánto sabes de la novela «El nombre de la rosa» de Umberto Eco?

¿Para qué viajan Fray Guillermo y Adso a la abadía benedictina?

Para investigar en su biblioteca secreta
Para debatir con enviados papales si una rama franciscana es herética
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Para resolver el misterio de las muertes de varios hermanos

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