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ISBN : 0751556238
272 páginas
Editorial: Sphere (24/12/2013)

Calificación promedio : 5/5 (sobre 2 calificaciones)
Freya, Ingrid and Joanna Beauchamp love their sleepy life in North Hampton. A new engagement, an interesting job, a happy home - life is perfect. Yet these women are harbouring a centuries-old secret: they are powerful witches forbidden to practise magic. But when a young woman turns up dead, it soon becomes clear to the Beauchamp women that it's time to come out of hiding and fight the dark forces that are brewing.
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Críticas, Reseñas y Opiniones (1) Añadir una crítica
 12 January 2022
Amazing book. I loved it.
I watched the tv series "Witches of East End" and I really loved it, when I found out it was based on a book series I wanted to read them so bad. It was sad that they cancelled the show but at least now I've started reading the books I'll know everything I wanted to know... kind of.
There are a few things different in the tv series from the book. Like Wendy, who doesn't exist in the books... it's a shame, it's a great character. Also there are some other characters that exist in the book but not in the tv series.
But apart from that, the show was amazing and this first book was amazing as well. I'm so glad I finally read it. Now I want the second book...
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