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ISBN : 9798643293767
336 páginas
Editorial: Autoeditado (16/04/2020)
When the vampire stalking me sent me a letter, I was prepared for my new life with the man I love to get thrown into chaos. But as the days stretch on and nothing happens, I become determined not to allow that monster to rule my life, and decide that Marcus and I will move on. We can’t always allow the past to haunt us. If that includes pestering Marcus and harassing my fellow detectives, they’d better learn to love it, because I’m not going anywhere eve... >Voir plus
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Marte: El fuego latente de Cidonia

¿Porque saben que en la Luna se puede extraer helio-3?

Por su existencia en la Tierra
Por el color del suelo Lunar
Gracias a las misiones Apollo

10 preguntas
2 lectores participarón
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