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ISBN : 1976214475
596 páginas
Editorial: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (07/09/2017)
How far would you go to find yourself?That's the question that's been haunting Olivia Owens for years.All Olivia has ever wanted to do is live and make mistakes, but her preacher father has made that impossible. She believes that her years at college will be her ticket into the real world and her chance to be wild and spontaneous.But she's never been able to do it on her own.At the start of her sophomore year, she only has four things crossed off her Live List, but ... >Voir plus
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La Metamorfosis

Gregorio Samsa es un ...

viajante de comercio

13 preguntas
823 lectores participarón
Thème : La metamorfosis de Franz KafkaCrear un test sobre este libro