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ISBN : 1618731203
437 páginas
Editorial: Big Mouth House (15/08/2017)

Calificación promedio : 3.5/5 (sobre 1 calificaciones)
The Borderlands aren’t like anywhere else. Don’t try to smuggle a phone or any other piece of technology over the wall that marks the Border—unless you enjoy a fireworks display in your backpack. (Ballpoint pens are okay.) There are elves, harpies, and—best of all as far as Elliot is concerned—mermaids.

Elliot? Who’s Elliot? Elliot is thirteen years old. He’s smart and just a tiny bit obnoxious. Sometimes more than a tiny bit. When his class goes on a... >Voir plus
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IknemIknem01 August 2022
He supposed it didn't matter if someone left because you weren't good enough or left because you actually drove them away. The result was the same.
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