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ISBN : 1937512770
367 páginas
Editorial: Two Dollar Radio (14/05/2019)

Calificación promedio : 4/5 (sobre 1 calificaciones)
In 2040, the South African National Space Agency receives a mysterious package containing a memoir and a set of digital recordings from an unnamed woman who claims the world will end in ten years. Assigned to the case, Dr. Naomi Buthelezi, a retired professor and science-fiction writer, is hired to investigate the veracity of the materials, and whether or not the woman's claim to have heard from a force more powerful than humankind is genuine.

Thus be... >Voir plus
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 05 April 2021
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AntaraiAntarai05 April 2021
I was 14 when I first lingered in front of the mirror next to our home computer, and touched myself, coming twice, so I wouldn't think about Mama's abduction
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Títulos de ciencia ficción para completar.

Novela de ciencia ficción, escrita por Richard Matheson, en 1975 se titula: "En algún lugar del _________"


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