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Las mejores frases de Defy Me (2)

Hexekat 28 May 2023
I want to remember to celebrate more. I want to remember to experience more joy. I want to allow myself to be happy more frequently. I want to remember, forever, this look on Aaron’s face, as he’s bullied into blowing out his birthday candles for the very first time.
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Hexekat 28 May 2023
I can’t look at her face anymore without feeling blind rage. I can’t even think her name without feeling a violent, potent, animalistic need to murder her with my bare hands. Evie Sommers is the worst kind of human being. A traitor to humanity. An unadulterated sociopath.
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    Títulos de ciencia ficción para completar.

    Novela de ciencia ficción, escrita por Richard Matheson, en 1975 se titula: "En algún lugar del _________"


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