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Las mejores frases de Boy Meets Boy (11)

Erickramoss 18 February 2022
Es difícil moverse libremente cuando tienes cosas en la cabeza. A veces puedes usar el baile para ahuyentarlas.
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librosconte 04 December 2018
We hold hands as we walk through town. If anybody notices, nobody cares. I know we all like to think of the heart as the center of the body but at this moment, every conscious part of me is in the hand that he holds. It is through that hand, that feeling, that I experience everything else.
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librosconte 04 December 2018
Tony:...but you need something to do about Noah.

Paul: I know, I know. The only problem being that (a) he thinks I'm getting back with my ex-boyfriend, (b) he thinks I'll only hurt him, because (c) I've already hurt him and (d) someone else has already hurt him, which means that I'm hurting him even more. So (e) he doesn't trust me, and in all fairness, (g) every time I see him, I (h) want everything to be right again and I (i) want to kiss him madly. This means that (j) my feelings aren't going away anytime soon, but (k) his feelings don't look likely to budge, either. So either (l) I'm out of luck, (m) I'm out of hope, or (n) there's a way to make it up to him that I'm not thinking of. I could (o) beg, (p) plead, (q) grovel, or (r) give up. But, in order to do that, I would have to sacrifice my (s) pride, (t) reputation, and (u) self-respect, even though (v) I have very little of them left and (w) it probably wouldn't work anyway. As a result, I am (x) lost, (y) clue-free, and (z) wondering if you have any idea whatsoever what I should do.
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librosconte 04 December 2018
Tony:...but you need something to do about Noah.

Paul: I know, I know. The only problem being that (a) he thinks I'm getting back with my ex-boyfriend, (b) he thinks I'll only hurt him, because (c) I've already hurt him and (d) someone else has already hurt him, which means that I'm hurting him even more. So (e) he doesn't trust me, and in all fairness, (g) every time I see him, I (h) want everything to be right again and I (i) want to kiss him madly. This means that (j) my feelings aren't going away anytime soon, but (k) his feelings don't look likely to budge, either. So either (l) I'm out of luck, (m) I'm out of hope, or (n) there's a way to make it up to him that I'm not thinking of. I could (o) beg, (p) plead, (q) grovel, or (r) give up. But, in order to do that, I would have to sacrifice my (s) pride, (t) reputation, and (u) self-respect, even though (v) I have very little of them left and (w) it probably wouldn't work anyway. As a result, I am (x) lost, (y) clue-free, and (z) wondering if you have any idea whatsoever what I should do.
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librosconte 04 December 2018
His books are kept on freestanding shelves hung at different angles on a sea-green wall. They defy gravity, as good books should.
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librosconte 04 December 2018
Because sometimes you just have to dance like a madman in the Self-Help section of your local bookstore.
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librosconte 04 December 2018
The world loves stupid labels. I wish we got to choose our own.
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librosconte 04 December 2018
I wonder if it's possible to have happiness without it being at someone else's expense.
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librosconte 04 December 2018
I wonder if it's possible to start a new relationship without hurting someone else.
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librosconte 04 December 2018
I could point out that it isn't always easy knowing who you are and what you want, because then you have no excuse for not trying to get it.
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