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Editorial: Autoeditado (27/05/2020)
If I had to describe Sean Bailey, it would be: a surly, temperamental pain in my ass. Never in that equation would I ever include the word boyfriend—and not just because he’s straight.

The older brother of my life-long best friend, Sean is a detective for the Chicago PD, and is also known as Detective “Dick” for being...well, a surly, temperamental pain in everyone’s ass. He also happens to be the best they have, which is why I find myse... >Voir plus
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Marte: El fuego latente de Cidonia

¿Porque saben que en la Luna se puede extraer helio-3?

Por su existencia en la Tierra
Por el color del suelo Lunar
Gracias a las misiones Apollo

10 preguntas
2 lectores participarón
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