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ISBN : 109789262X
405 páginas
Editorial: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (07/05/2019)
Maddison James is about to discover some truths about the world. Firstly ... supernaturals exist. WTF? Secondly ... she is one, even though no one seems to know exactly what kind. Double WTF. Thirdly ... she's about to go back to school. Well, things just got a little more interesting. The Supernatural Academy is where shifters, vampires, magic users, and fey are educated. Where they are taught about their abilities, and how to function in the human world. Maddison ... >Voir plus
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Los monstruos de la saga Harry Potter

¿Qué criaturas mágicas podemos encontrar en Gringotts, el banco de magos?


15 preguntas
322 lectores participarón
Thèmes : monstruos , criaturas , fantasía , magiaCrear un test sobre este libro