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207 páginas
Editorial: Autoeditado (01/04/2021)
Some people aren’t happy, unless the world is burning…

Professor Charlie Hines’ father is dead. Before he even has time to mourn, all hell breaks loose in the form of Max Dekker—a man who is too sexy for his own damn good. To add to his predicament, dark creatures that go bump in the night want Charlie dead and he only has one place to turn.

The infuriating Max Dekker.

Max has a secret, one only few knows. He is all too a... >Voir plus
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Los monstruos de la saga Harry Potter

¿Qué criaturas mágicas podemos encontrar en Gringotts, el banco de magos?


15 preguntas
322 lectores participarón
Thèmes : monstruos , criaturas , fantasía , magiaCrear un test sobre este libro