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187 páginas
Editorial: Autoeditado (14/03/2019)
Harlan turned his back on the siren world a long time ago.

Resigned to living an ordinary life, Harlan settles in the human world. And then his new assistant arrives. Smart, efficient, gorgeous… and a werewolf. Keeping Sam on is a risk Harlan can’t take. If he discovers what Harlan is, they’ll be in for a world of trouble.

Sam always wanted a knight in shining armor but he has a secret that can’t be told.

As an omega, Sam... >Voir plus
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La Metamorfosis

Gregorio Samsa es un ...

viajante de comercio

13 preguntas
823 lectores participarón
Thème : La metamorfosis de Franz KafkaCrear un test sobre este libro