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214 páginas
Editorial: Autoeditado (19/03/2019)
Ty wants to fly, but that possibility was shattered years ago.

Ty: I'm a hybrid shifter, a freak who doesn’t fit. My wing is damaged, so the ravens don't accept me. Pumas don't want me 'cause I shift to raven. I spend my nights drinking my memories away or screwing them into oblivion.

But the most glorious male wolf I've ever seen needs my help.

Dex is half-starved and rough around the edges, but I’m going to make sure Ha... >Voir plus
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La Metamorfosis

Gregorio Samsa es un ...

viajante de comercio

13 preguntas
824 lectores participarón
Thème : La metamorfosis de Franz KafkaCrear un test sobre este libro