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ISBN : 198826054X
222 páginas
Editorial: Autoeditado (19/11/2020)
A nice boy gets naughty...

Redheaded freshman Jeremy "Cherry" Rourke is certainly living up to his childhood nickname, although still being inexperienced is the least of his concerns. After coming out, his parents barely talk to him. He hasn't made any friends at university. Worst of all, he's about to spend Christmas completely alone in an empty dorm.

Jeremy clearly needs a fairy godfather, so football captain Max Pimenta takes him und... >Voir plus
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¿Cuánto sabes sobre filosofía?

Son considerados los padres de la filosofía occidental:

Aristóteles y Pitágoras
Demócrito y Sócrates
Aristóteles y Platón
Pitágoras y Sócrates

10 preguntas
94 lectores participarón
Thèmes : filosofíaCrear un test sobre este libro