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143 páginas
Editorial: Autoeditado (11/02/2020)
Colin: My life is pretty quiet, and I prefer it that way. I do my schoolwork, I have what some would call a nerdy hobby and I have my, um…toys. Tutoring pays the bills, and when I’m asked to help the star football player fix his grades, it’s just another job, right? Then I find out he’s a dragon shifter who likes to party rather than study. God, I wonder if the stories about dragon shifter anatomy are true? Not that I’m likely to find out since he’s clearly straight... >Voir plus
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Los monstruos de la saga Harry Potter

¿Qué criaturas mágicas podemos encontrar en Gringotts, el banco de magos?


15 preguntas
322 lectores participarón
Thèmes : monstruos , criaturas , fantasía , magiaCrear un test sobre este libro