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Editorial: Autoeditado (30/04/2020)
Jasper’s helpful, mysterious… and homeless.

The soup kitchen was the only place I’d felt like I belonged in months, but working under the new, renowned chef had me doubting there was truly a place for me anywhere. He was nice enough, but he really didn’t “get” the people he was cooking for or the battles we faced. But my feelings didn’t matter, I had no home and my options were limited.

Caleb’s talented, successful… and clueless.
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Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte

¿Quién mata al elfo Dobby?

Bellatrix Lestrange
El señor Malfoy
Nadie, murió de viejo

12 preguntas
66 lectores participarón
Thème : Harry Potter y Las Reliquias de la Muerte de J.K. RowlingCrear un test sobre este libro