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ISBN : 078685197X
444 páginas
Editorial: HYPERION (01/05/2007)

Calificación promedio : 4.33/5 (sobre 3 calificaciones)
Ambitious New York City teenager Craig Gilner is determined to succeed at life - which means getting into the right high school to get into the right job. But once Craig aces his way into Manhattan's Executive Pre-Professional High School, the pressure becomes unbearable. He stops eating and sleeping until, one night, he nearly kills himself.

Craig's suicidal episode gets him checked into a mental hospital, where his new neighbors include a transsexua... >Voir plus
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Críticas, Reseñas y Opiniones (2) Añadir una crítica
 16 November 2018
Este libro es sin duda una historia con un poderoso mensaje sobre el suicidio y no se puede ignorar que haceNed Vizzini lamentablemente eligió el mismo destino. Su muerte te hace analizar esta novela de una manera diferente y fue difícil ponerle una calificación a sus palabras. Lo he intentado de todos modos. It's Kind Of A Funny Story está bien escrita, los personajes se sienten reales y Ned Vizzini pudo mezclar temas pesados ​​con humor. Es un libro que dejará huella y es único.
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 15 October 2018
I've always wanted to read this book, I mean, I've read about it, good reviews, average reviews,... but all regarding the same quote: 'YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK ASAP'. And it's true, you really need to read this, is fascinating.

Maybe It's because It talks about some close to my experience in life, o maybe it's because the simple beauty of the book and the writing style, but this book clarifies a lot of things to those who don't quite understand how mental illness work. I wish my dad could understand English, my life would be easier if he reads this book. But, anyway, mainly talks about depression, it doesn't actually talk about it, its just there, and it's like, a second character to the story, which is how it feels like in real life.
I'm amazed by this book, by everything, and I believe the author's personal experience is what makes this book unique and a Must Read.

In plot-line regarding matters, this isn't a fast-book-action kind of book, it's quite slow and rough on the edges. The beginning it's mostly narrative (all the book actually) but like in a description-of-how-it-feels way, and the second par it like what-i-can-i-do-with-it kind.
A part of this little thing I don't have anything inverse this book.
It's amazing, just read it.
Enlace: https://laiaisreading.blogsp..
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Citas y frases (1) Añadir cita
yvo_about_booksyvo_about_books20 December 2018
No queria despertarme. Estaba pasándolo mucho mejor dormido. Y eso es muy triste. Fue casi como una pesadilla inversa, como cuando te levantas de una pesadilla y te sientes aliviado. Me desperté en una pesadilla.
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