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ISBN : 1796750786
256 páginas
Editorial: Autoeditado (20/02/2019)
A Reluctant Servant

Jaryn’s life might not have been perfect, but it was his, and that had been enough.

He’d had his mother and sister, he’d been in college, and he’d been working on starting a life for himself. That all changed when his mother died, plunging his life into chaos. Before he even has a chance to grieve, before he can give his mom the funeral she deserves and adjust to being responsible for his little sister, he learns jus... >Voir plus
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La Metamorfosis

Gregorio Samsa es un ...

viajante de comercio

13 preguntas
814 lectores participarón
Thème : La metamorfosis de Franz KafkaCrear un test sobre este libro