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ISBN : 0545930804
311 páginas
Editorial: Scholastic (10/10/2017)

Calificación promedio : 4.75/5 (sobre 2 calificaciones)
Here is a thing everyone wants: a miracle.
Here is a thing everyone fears: what it takes to get one.

Any visitor to Bicho Raro, Colorado is likely to find a landscape of dark saints, forbidden love, scientific dreams, miracle-mad owls, estranged affections, one or two orphans, and a sky full of watchful desert stars.

At the heart of this place you will find the Soria family, who all have the ability to perform unusual miracles. A... >Voir plus
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Críticas, Reseñas y Opiniones (3) Añadir una crítica
 28 February 2018
“By relegating the things we fear and don't understand to religion, and the things we understand and control to science, we rob science of its artistry and religion of its mutability.”

At the heart of Bicho Raro, Colorado you will find the Soria family, who all have the ability to perform unusual miracles. And at the heart of this family are three cousins longing to change its future: Beatriz, the girl without feelings, who wants only to be free to examine her thoughts; Daniel, the Saint of Bicho Raro, who performs miracles for everyone but himself; and Joaquin, who spends his nights running a renegade radio station under the name Diablo Diablo.
The miracles the Soria family performs are real, not just smoke and mirrors. They help the pilgrims fight their inner darkness by making it visible. But there's no worst darkness than a Saint's. All of the Soria family are forbidden to help the pilgrims past that first miracle, or to perform the miracle for themselves.
This is a story about all kinds of love, and about courage. We have roughly four main characters, and a lot of amazing side characters, their stories intertwined with one another, shaping the plot.
The Soria cousins are of course in the middle of everything, especially Daniel and Beatriz, the holiest of the Soria family. And also central to the story is Pete, who will come to Bicho Raro looking not for a miracle, but for a chance to prove himself useful.
“Pete fell deeply in love with it.
This strange cold desert does not care if you live or die in it, but he fell for it anyway. He had not known before then that a place could feel so raw and so close to the surface. His weak heart felt the danger but could not resist.
He fell in love so fiercely that the desert itself noticed.
The desert, which was not given to sympathy or sentiment, was nonetheless moved, and for the first time in a long time, it loved someone back.”

I sort of fell for Pete too. Not in a romantic way, but it is impossible not to care for him, he is such a nice guy you want to befriend him right away, and he has that hole in his heart and wants nothing more than to fill it with hard work and dedication. Luckily he'll find something even better in the desert 😉
As every other book by Maggie, it was beautifully written. She has a unique ability to convey feelings with words, something very few authors accomplish so accurately. Her novels also have this atmospheric quality to them, making you feel like you're living the story instead of just reading it, I absolutely loved the setting. And the characters are so deep and human 💞
I declare myself an absolute fan of her work. And about all that crap people talk about, saying that this book is disrespectful or racist or any other nonsense, let me tell you that I didn't think the latinx representation was inaccurate or offensive. I think it was a beautiful tale, and I enjoyed it immensely.
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 22 February 2022
Lo abandono, no porque crea que es malo pero no es lo que esperaba ni lo que me pide el cuerpo ahora mismo.¿Que esperaba? [b:Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe|12000020|Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, #1)|Benjamin Alire Sáenz||16964419] pero con más elementos mágicos, es decir realismo mágico y el aire amable, familiar y un poco onírico de Ari y Dante. Tenía muchas ganas de leer el libro que me imaginaba que iba a ser, pero la realidad es que no lo es.Puedo apreciar la redacción, la forma en la que presenta a los personajes y la exageración como una forma de marcar el tono (y meter elementos de humor), los personajes no me desagradan y cuando están pasando cosas puedo meterme en la historia sin problemas. Pero me cuestan demasiado las largas descripciones y la voz del narrador que (insisto que es porque no es lo que esperaba) me cansa y hace qué no quiera retomar el libro cada vez que paro de leer.El estilo y el tono se me parece más a la peli de "The book of life" pero con más tragedia (o esa es la impresión que me da) que a Ari y Dante y no es lo que busco ahora mismo. Puede que vuelva a el cuando tenga mas ganas de ese estilo.Es una lástima, la verdad, quería de veras que me gustará este libro.
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 11 January 2019
"Si hay algo que todos quieren es un milagro.
Si hay algo que todos temen es hacer lo que se necesita para recibirlo"
Entré a esta historia sin saber mucho, solo que se trataba de santos, milagros y una familia con raíces mexicanas. Me encontré una fantasía maravillosa, un relato con una ambientación atrapante. Podía sentir, oler y tocar, vivir cada una de las sensaciones descritas en el libro. Esto sin duda se debe a la forma única en que Maggie escribe, y reencontrarme con sus palabras me produjo cierta nostalgia y alegría.
Otra nota característica de esta autora son los personajes que crea, cada uno único a su manera y lleno de matices. Es imposible no encariñarte con ellos, aunque esta vez, en comparación con The Raven Boys, no llegue a amarlos. Me gustaron y tengo mis favoritos, pero una vez que cerré el libro ellos quedaron allí y no me produjo esa sensación de extrañarlos.
Es un libro raro, muy raro! Me recordó a la película Miss Peregrine... porque hay personajes que tienen peculiaridades, rarezas y eso me sorprendió mucho, no lo esperaba. El principio me costó un poco, porque se nos presentan todas estas situaciones extrañas sin explicaciones. Las primeras 100 paginas son bastante introductorias, pero de ahí en adelante la historia comienza a tomar una dirección definida y ya te involucras en el relato.
Pero lo más remarcable de este libro es que trata sobre sentimientos y enseñanzas. Sobre la familia, los amigos, y sobre uno mismo. Aquí no hay villanos, los personajes deben combatir contra ellos mismos, contra su propia oscuridad.
De más esta decir que es un libro que super recomiendo!
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Citas y frases (2) Añadir cita
librosydragoneslibrosydragones28 February 2018
Pete fell deeply in love with it.
This strange cold desert does not care if you live or die in it, but he fell for it anyway. He had not known before then that a place could feel so raw and so close to the surface. His weak heart felt the danger but could not resist.
He fell in love so fiercely that the desert itself noticed.
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librosydragoneslibrosydragones28 February 2018
By relegating the things we fear and don't understand to religion, and the things we understand and control to science, we rob science of its artistry and religion of its mutability.
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